So after buying some new reeds, I finally picked up my clarinet to play for the first time in (I think) ten years (#56). Ouch. Let me start by saying that my lung capacity is no where even in the same universe that it used to be. I was panting after playing only a few scales. And again after playing two lines out of an old exercise book. My little practice session lasted just over twenty minutes, and I think I spent about half of that just trying to catch my breath! The tone was very airy at first, which wasn't surprising, but by the end it started sounding a little like me again. But the part I had been dreading most was the pain in my lower lip. See, you have to place your lower lip over your lower teeth, and that is what pushes against the reed and the mouthpiece. I long ago lost the slight callus that builds up inside your lip when you play regularly, so it was nearly raw (or at least it felt that way!) after my short little session. Actually, my whole jaw hurt, along with my thumb (where the clarinet rests on your right thumb as a support) and my hands (from gripping to hard). Ouch!
I was surprised at how much of it came back... as long as I didn't think about it too much! There were a couple of times I had to stop and count the lines to see if I was looking an A or an F, but the fingerings were all there. And it was fun, just really, really hard. I think I might try to start practicing a little more often. I checked online, and there are a couple of community bands around Indy. Maybe I'll put that on my next list...